Attic pest inspection and prevention

Your attic has an ideal environment for the pests to live in. Due to the same reason, there is a high possibility for you to come across a pest infestation in the attic as well. In such a situation, you must have a strong understanding on how to conduct an attic pest inspection and detect the presence of pests. Along with that, you must also have a strong understanding on how to keep pests away from the attic as well.

How to inspect pests in the attic?
You will have to go through a few important steps to detect pests in the attic. In fact, the exact method that you have to follow varies based on the nature of pests who are living inside the attic.

House mice are one of the most common types of pests that you can find in the attic. You will be able to locate them based on the sound they make and the droppings. On the other hand, you will also be able to pay attention to the sharp sounds that you can hear during the night time and detect the presence of bats in the attic as well.

It is better if you can listen to the sounds that you hear from the attic throughout the day. Then you will be able to locate the pests who are living in the attic. Along with that, you will also be able to inspect the droppings and confirm your doubts. The Internet will be able to provide great overall assistance to you with that.

How to prevent pests in the attic?
Upon the detection of pests in the attic, you will be able to get them removed. You can do it on your own, or you can seek the assistance of an expert service provider. Then you should take preventive measures as well. Otherwise, you will have to notice the presence of pests again in the attic.

In order to make sure that you don’t find any pests in the attic again, you need to take a look at the pest proofing techniques and follow them. This is where you need to pay special attention towards the entryways to the attic. If there are any trees, which can provide entry ways for the pests to get into the attic, you should cut down the branches. In addition to that, you should also make sure that you are securing the chimney with the assistance of a chimney cap.

You need to take a look at the other gaps and holes that you can find in the attic as well. You need to make sure that you are covering up all those gaps and holes. Steel wool will be able to help you with that. Or else, you will be able to use silicone based caulk. A combination of silicon based caulk and steel wool can deliver best results with pest proofing the attic.

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